CIRSE Annual Congress
Award of Excellence and Innovation in IR
Award of Excellence and Innovation in IR
Award of Excellence and Innovation in IR
SubmitAward of Excellence and Innovation in IR

Award of Excellence and Innovation in IR

The Award of Excellence and Innovation in Interventional Radiology, sponsored by the Rolf W. Günther Foundation for Radiological Sciences, is awarded on a yearly basis for outstanding contributions to the advancement of interventional radiology. Since its establishment in 2012, this distinction has been granted to some of the most innovative physicians in the field.

The recipient of the award will receive a certificate of merit which will be awarded during the Opening and Awards Ceremony of the CIRSE Annual Scientific Congress and a cash prize of €6,000.

Application criteria

  • Application is open to professionals from all over the world
  • The topic must be related to interventional radiology
  • The following material is considered suitable for submission:
    • original research work published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (CVIR, European Radiology, etc.)
    • a registered patent with proven relevance in interventional practice
    • published data on an innovative device or equipment relevant for interventional radiology procedures
  • Application must be accompanied by a CV and a publication list of the professional submitting the application
  • If the applicant is part of a research team related to the application, they shall also submit a short description of the team and its members
  • The award winner will be chosen from among all submitted applications by an independent reviewing board

Submit your application by May 19, 2025!

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Past winners

2024Reto Bale for his work on stereotactic thermal tumor ablation with image fusion
for intraprocedural treatment validation.
2023Yuji Okuno for his pioneering work on the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal inflammation and pain.
2022William T. Kuo for his work on the Excimer laser-assisted removal of embedded IVC filters.
2021Ulrich Speck and Bruno Scheller for their work on using drug-coated balloons (DCB) for the local treatment of intimal hyperplasia.
2020Frédéric Deschamps for his work on percutaneous fixation by internal cemented-screw in bone cancer patients
2019Boris Guiu and Mathieu T. Boulin for their work on Idarubicin as Anticancer Agent for Transarterial Chemoembolisation (TACE) of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
2018M. Itkin for his development of new imaging and intervention techniques of the lymphatic system
2017Hans Henkes for his pioneering development of cerebral stent thrombectomy in the management of acute ischemic stroke
2017MRCLEAN trialists for their groundbreaking trial on endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke
2016F. Carnevale for his pioneering work on prostate embolisation
2015P. Bize, G. Borchard, A. Denys, K. Fuchs and O. Jordan for their research on drug-eluting beads loaded with anti-angiogenic agents for chemoembolisation
2014M.G.E.H. Lam, J.F.W. Nijsen and M.A.A.J. van den Bosch for their development of the Holmium-166 microspheres and assessing safety and maximum tolerated radiation dose
2013S. Lerouge and G. Soulez for their development of an embolizing sclerosing hydrogel for the treatment of endoleaks, vascular malformations and venous disease
2012A. Bolia and J.A. Reekers for their development and promotion of subintimal angioplasty

CIRSE would like to warmly thank the R.W. Günther Foundation for funding the award.