CIRSE Annual Congress

September 16-17 | Lisbon, Portugal

September 16-17 | Lisbon, Portugal

September 16-17 | Lisbon, Portugal

September 16-17 | Lisbon, Portugal

September 16-17 | Lisbon, Portugal

ProgrammeHands-on trainingIDEAS practical courses

IDEAS practical courses

IDEAS 2024 will feature practical courses on EVAR and FEBAR.

Each course will last about 90 minutes and is organized and chaired by two clinical experts within the field. The purpose of these courses is to give participants a clinical practical experience, including hands-on training where possible and increase the confidence when using these techniques. There will also be plenty of time for discussion to make sure that all the participants’ questions are answered.

As all courses are with limited seating, attendees will be guaranteed good exposure and close and direct contact with the clinical experts leading the course. Onsite registration starts 30 minutes before each individual session.

Session schedule

Faculty: C.Bent (Dorset/GB), J. Taylor (Frimley/GB)

Monday, September 16, 13:00-14:30
Hands-on room 4

In this interactive course, participants will be provided with a structured approach to sizing & planning for EVAR procedures. After the introduction to the structured approach, collectively CT-scans with a range of anatomical AAA-scenarios and technical complexity will be measured. For each case treatment-options, important considerations and pitfalls will be discussed to finally develop the best treatment plan for the given case.

The session is aimed at trainees and juniors, as well as advanced interventional radiologists and vascular surgeons who wish to refresh and sharpen their ability to size and develop an EVAR treatment-plan for their AAA patients.

Learning objectives:

  1. To apply a structured approach to perform sizing for AAA-pathologies and complete a sizing-protocol AAA
  2. To develop implantation plans for a range of AAA-pathologies including preparation of potential adjunctive techniques
  3. To learn how to choose specific graft-components for best durable outcomes according to IFU


Faculty: T. Katsargyris (Athens/GR), E. Verhoeven (Nuremberg/DE)

Tuesday, September 17, 13:00-14:30
Hands-on room 4

The Zenith Fenestrated graft for FEVAR is the most used fenestrated device worldwide. This custom-made graft gives excellent results in AAA that do not have a neck for standard EVAR. In those cases, two main options are available: open repair and FEVAR.

In this course, the participants will learn the indications and technical options with the Zenith Fenestrated graft. In addition, they will learn how to measure such a graft.

Finally, they will be shown a video showing the implantation technique, which will be discussed extensively.

  1. To learn about the indication for FEVAR
  2. To learn about the technical aspects and limitations of a fenestrated graft
  3. To learn the FEVAR implantation technique